The RwP logo and icon are the primary expression of Rhymes with Purple’s brand identity. They have been designed to achieve a striking visual brand and should only be altered based on the options listed.
These few simple rules will help you use our logo and icon effectively. Assets can be downloaded at the bottom of this page or by clicking here.
This is the standard, hero RwP Logo. It features the stylised 'RWP' letters and the website address, It should always be the first choice to represent the brand.

This logo should be used wherever the canvas is not restrained to a 1:1 ratio.
There is also the 'FRINGE KNOWLEDGE' version as seen on the Rhymes with Purple website and for promotion of Rhymes with Purple where the website is not required. For any marketing, you must favour the standard version featuring the website address.
The logo should never be crowded by other artwork or text. The logo’s clear space should be 50% of the height of the entire logo including text.

The logo can be presented on a black background with only the website text inverted to #d7d8d7 (the same white as the fully inverted logo (see INVERTED LOGO below).

The logo can be inverted to #d7d8d7 (never full white - #ffffff) to be presented on black or coloured backgrounds if more in keeping with your own brand style.

Should it work better with your branding, the logo can be used in one of the three base colours or in full black. However, the full colour logo should always be used when possible.

The following examples are how the logo should not be used. If there is any doubt about usage of the logo, you must contact for clarification.

Do not add shadow or glow effects, add an outline or colour the lines in the logo.

Do not remove the break lines in the letters of the logo, add any gradients or recolour, or change fonts.

Do not change the text of the logo.
The RwP icon is available for use when the logo needs to fit a 1:1 ratio canvas or for use on social media. The same rules generally apply to the icon - please use only these options and do not alter.

Download a zip with all assets by clicking on the download button.